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Grade 7/8 - (7-2, 8-2)

Welcome to the 7/8 (7-2, 8-2) Team homepage. This page will serve as a great location for you to find a lot of information throughout the school year. Here you can find...

  • Quick links to email teachers if you have questions or concerns
  • Homework information so you can help your student stay on top of his/her assignments

(Click on name to email)

Stacy Bove 6406
Diane Campbell 6313
Sandra Ferger 6304
Lauren Fox 6409
Connie Germann 6314
Michele Maulucci 6206
Cassie McGee 6305
Kym Persinger 6201
Connor Pignatora 6312
Maureen Sweeney - Team Leader 6207
Tracy Walkowiak 6309
Kayla Wdowka 6310