Homework Information
It is not the intention of Team 6-1 to assign a lot of homework . However, there will be days where students will have tasks to complete at home, outside of school hours.
- Visit the team homework page on a nightly basis with your student to review assignments and any upcoming assessment dates. You can view each week using the links below.
- Help your student plan for long-term assignments by "chunking" the assignment into smaller tasks.
- Check the parent portal regularly for grades. Teachers will not necessarily update the portal on a daily basis but it will be updated often. Please allow ample time for large assignments (tests, research reports, projects) to be graded. Additionally, it may take several days to update assignments that are turned in late.
- If you student is absent from school, please remind them to check "Today's Agenda" in the content library of their OneNote notebook for each class. There they will find any tasks that they need to complete.
Homework Page Link