Fun Links
Jigsaw Puzzle Solver
If you love jigsaw puzzles, you will love this site. Select your favorite puzzle and put it together. You can also customize the number of pieces.
Create your Own Avatar
Create your own look-a-alike avator. You can download your avatar and use it asd your Office 365 profile picture.
Common Sense Test That 90% of People Fail
** this is a YouTube video - please MUTE your computer & use the Closed Captions OR use your earbuds/headphones
Idiot Test - 90% fail
** this is a YouTube video - please MUTE your computer & use the Closed Captions OR use your earbuds/headphones
What is your IQ? Test your TRUE intelligence
** this is a YouTube video - please MUTE your computer & use the Closed Captions OR use your earbuds/headphones
Simple Math Test - 90% fail
** this is a YouTube video - please MUTE your computer & use the Closed Captions OR use your earbuds/headphones
How to trick your math teacher
** this is a YouTube video - please MUTE your computer & use the Closed Captions OR use your earbuds/headphones
Claim Your Future!
How will you survive on a budget when you grow up? Will you have enough money at the end of the month? Will you go broke?
Lights! Camera! Budget!
As a movie producer, can you budget your upcoming film or will you go broke and close production?