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Coding Links

Angry Bird

Watch the intro video to learn how to build a maze.  Remember to click on CONTINUE after you solve each step.


Watch the intro video to learn how to build your aquarium.  Remember to click on CONTINUE after you solve each step.

Star Wars theme

Watch the intro video to learn how to build your galaxy.  Remember to click on CONTINUE after you solve each step.


You are not playing games on Scratch, you are creating your own code.  If you never coded before, complete the activites above first. 

If you are ready for the challenge, use this link to open Scratch.  Click on the light bulb for TUTORIALS and select a tutorial.  You will be given step-by-step directions.  

I recommend these tutorials:

Getting Started

Add a Sprite

Add a Backdrop

Animate a Name

Animate a Character

Animate a Sprite

Make it Fly

Change Size

Glide Around

Makie It Spin

Add Effects

Use Arrow Keys