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Tips for Studying Science




Tips for Studying Science

1. Most importantly, DO NOT wait until the night before a test to begin studying.  Reviewing material daily as you learn it at school is the best method of studying.

2.  When studying at home, find a quiet place to study that is away from distractions.  Select a consistent place to study. Some people need total quiet and others can study well with music in the background. The key is to find a comfortable place and study there regularly, such as the kitchen table, a desk, a favorite chair, bed, etc.

3.  Use Unit Review Sheets that are provided for you - they help you identify the most important ideas and concepts.

5.  Study the flashcards for the vocabulary words that have been provided for you with each Unit. Have a friend or parent ask you about the word and you need to give the definition or visa versa.

6. Use a study tool called (links to my vocabulary lists for each unit are found in the review section of each unit) to help you study for quizzes and tests.

6.  Ask family members or a friend to quiz you on the material that will be covered.

7.  Remember that I am always available to offer assistance if you need help understanding any of the material presented.  All you have to do is ASK!