Mrs. Carlson
Welcome to Middle School Physical Education!
5th Grade SGB Interest Form: Click Here
Grading Policies: Student are graded on a 5 point Rubric every day that includes the following: Safety, Being Prepared, Level of Participation, Sportsmanship and Attaining their Personal Fitness.
Every Day Model
Students are expected to change into comfortable clothing and sneakers on PE days. They are also expected to be prepared for the weather as we will be going outdoors as much as possible. Each PE class will be worth 5 points each. Students will receive a numerical grade for Physical Education at the end of each semester. Each student and/or parent may check the portal weekly for their PE grade.
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the following number/e-mail address:
Laura Carlson
MS Physical Education Teacher
MS Fitness Club Advisor
Student Government Advisor
Girl's Modified Volleyball Coach
Phone Number: 716-652-3000 ext 6090
E-mail Address:
E-mail Address:
Students in grades 6-8 will have their PE grade averaged into their overall grade each semester and 5th grade students will be graded by a rubric each semester.
I look forward to a fun and educational time with your child!