Middle School Art
Middle School Art
Students will be introduced to a variety of mediums, including, but not limited to, clay, colored pencils, plaster, pastels, paint, etc. Students will also be exposed to historical connections, contemporary artsists, personal relevancy in art, inquiring and invegestigating, methods of critiquing and refelction, while making meaningful art pieces.
We will be using the Studio Habits of Mind and "Big Ideas" to foster an artist-like classroom environment.
S.T.R.E.A.M. is the connection of Art to Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering and Math. Students will be encouraged to include computer skills in their art pieces. It is a good idea to have computers on hand daily, EXCEPT during clay.
I do not give students homework. If an individual has fallen behind in class, a child may have to bring work home or make accomodations. I will make every effort to catch students up during the school day.
At this point, there are no tests or quizzes.
I always look to reward positive effort. Students have the opportunity to be the recipient of several awards, including artist of the month for the classroom, having artwork exhibited in the Superintendent's hallway, and/or having artwork exhibited in the district art show.
Art Rubric Grade Sheet:
Student's grade sheets are based on a RUBRIC (100%) that includes effort, creativity, techniques and skill, diligence, and complexity of work. The individualized grade sheet promotes the use of STUDIO HABITS OF MIND and THE ARTISTIC PROCESS.
Students also are responsible for a REFLECTIVE written statement.