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Calculator Rental

Welcome to Iroquois Middle School Bookstore
TI-83 Plus Calculator Rental   
The Middle School rents TI-83 Plus Calculators to our students.
We have a limited amount and will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
Rental Agreements can be downloaded here: Calculator Rental Agreement
fill it out/sign and have a parent sign the form.  Bring it to the Bookstore with
$40 cash or check made out to Iroquois Bookstore and you will be assigned a calculator. When the calculator is returned at the end of the school year,
you will receive $20.00 back.  The serial numbers must match what was issued in order to receive the $20.00.
The calculator is assigned to you for the school year. 
It must be returned after exams at the end of the year or there is a $99.00 replacement fee.
To place an order or any questions:
716-652-3000 x6874